donderdag 24 januari 2013


Portfoliosite Joris van Leeuwen:

Porftoliosite Kevin Wilmink:

Books for XNA:


The last excerise is building a (very) small game. We split this game into 4 layers:

Niveau 1:
Class Player: beweegt dmv keyboard
Class Enemy: beweegt door het scherm

Niveau 2:
Enemy heeft een 'random-movement' algoritme. Maak gebruik van states/enums

Niveau 3:
Player en Enemy hebben collision
Collision handling mag in de Game1 class
Op een collision: restart game

Niveau 4:
Ga los en voeg elementen naar keuze toe!

also see the slides:

Scope & Enums

We talked about the scope of a variable or method.

In short this means how long a variable 'live'.

We also talked about enums and state machines.
In short a enum is a boolean with additional states

for example:

public enum unitState {

See the link for the slides from the lessons:



Notepad assignments in class:

vrijdag 18 januari 2013

Homework: Inheritance

Like we discussed in the les, the homework is to make the following inheritance structure:

The Game1 contains 2 objects:

  • Player (which is derived from Sprite)
  • Enemy (which is derived from Sprite)

Sprite has a method called 'Update()' this method moves the sprite to the right.

Player also has a method called 'Update()' When this function is called let the player move-up, but also keep the original functionality from the sprite:Update() intact.

The same goes for the Enemy but the enemy should move-down.

In all the update() methods don't let the image move out of the screen, create code that when this occurs the image is teleported back to the other side of the screen (Like we did in the les)

The result should do the following:
Also write your code readable, use const for the right vars, or den your methodes etc.

Some additional challanges:
  1. Add GameTime as a parameter to the Update()-method ( 'Update(GameTime gameTime)' ) and use gameTime to let the images move at the same speed regardless if the the game has a frame drop.
  2. Create an additional class named 'Boss' this class derives from 'Enemy'. The 'boss' moves more quickly as the Enemy.
  3. Save all objects in Game1 as Sprite - objects and see if this still works. Also experiment with this.
  4. Give the player a new variable named: HitPoints. If the player hits a Enemy/Boss: subtract 1 hitpoint and make the player immune for upcomming damage for 2 seconds. If hitpoints is <0 delete the player object.


Inheritance is deriving a class from another class. 

In this example Dogs, Cats and Humans all have the same functionality as Mammals has. However Dogs and Humans (possible) have some unique functionality.

Lions, Tigers and Leopards all inheritance their functionality from Cats (so also from Mammals) and (possible) have some unique functionality themselves.

In this example both the player and the enemy derive from Sprite, (sprite is responsible for drawing the image on the screen). If the method (for example) 'Update' is called upon the player. The compiler first search for Update() in player. If it can't find 'Update()' in player it will search 'update()' in it super class (in this case the sprite class).

Duo this mechanic it is possible to derive from a class and override a method completely or you can choose to override a method but still call it base/super-method.

A simple inheritance structure example

class Sprite{
public Sprite(){
//basic constructor

public void Update(GameTime gameTime){
//basic update

class Player:Sprite{

public Player():
//player derives from Sprite, if it constructor is called it will also call the constructor from sprite

public override void Update(GameTime gameTime){
base.Update(gameTime gameTime); //if Update(gameTime) is called in player, this method also calls the update in sprite


Also i like to provide the link to the slideshow:

donderdag 17 januari 2013

Homework: Mke it redablle!

Hey guys,

Homework for readability was to make an unreadable project readable with all the tricks we've learned you in mind. Use the slideshow I uploaded earlier on this blog as a reference.

Here's the zip file containing the unreadable XNA project. Just open the .sln file and you are good to go!

Keep in mind this is not the only homework. We also expect the inheritance practices.

Readability Slideshow

Hey guys,

Last lesson we talked about readability. Here are the slides of the presentation I gave.

I also added a additional slide for class-ordering with small descriptions like you guys asked.